0131 605 6049
|  Monday - Saturday 9.30-5.00
Lothian Design Logo - website design and branding in Edinburgh, Lothians, Glasgow and Fife
Lothian Design named as one of the best web design agencies in Edinburgh

Lothian Design has been named as one of the best web design agencies by SharpScot, a website that helps people find trustworthy suppliers of products and services across Scotland.

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Why web accessibility is important and good for all

5% of people experience globally some form of disability according to the World Bank. Web accessibility is where web designers and developers use techniques and technologies to make websites easier to use for people with disabilities. By building websites with accessibility baked in we ensure that nobody is excluded. Reasons to implement accessibility into a website […]

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The 5 elements of good UX explained

The goal of any good product or service is to ensure that the end users have a positive experience. Investing in good UX can generate a huge return on investment for businesses. To achieve this there is a complex chain of decisions that impact the user experience in both big and small ways. To ensure […]

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